Flutter How to Apply Shader Mask to a Background Image

Tony David
Oct 28, 2020


i was creating a login screen for an app. I used a PNG image as the background. i wanted to darken the entire image with half opacity and have full black color at the bottom of the screen where login button and register buttons are placed.

let me walk you through the Full process

first create a container add a decoration property assign BoxDecoration widget to it. inside the BoxDecoration widget add your background image as a decoration image.to make the image occupy entire screen add fit: Boxfit.Cover and then to make the image darker add colorfilter property and ColorFilter widget with darken as BlendMode .

The code will produce a result like this

Add ShaderMask

once you have the background image setup, wrap Container with ShaderMask widget shadermask widget needs shaderCallback property with a function. the function will must have a parameter you can give any name for the parameter i am giving rect .

Inside that function add LinerGradient widget. to use LinerGradient you must specify these properties begin,end,colors begin and end is for specifying gradients position and colors property is a list of colors for gradient to use.

now we need return the gradient as a shader to do that at the end of the LinerGradient add createShader(rect) function notice that it has rect as parameter. the create shader function parameter and shadercallback function parameter must be the same for the code to run.

Here is the final code




Tony David
Tony David

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